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7424 E. WT Harris Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28227

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Charlotte, NC 28262



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Parent/Child Dedication: A Guide for the Church

5/13/18 | Family Discipleship, Parenting | by Kyler Smith

Parent/Child Dedication: A Guide for the Church

    What is a Parent/Child Dedication?

    The Scripture is clear that God has called parents to be the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children. One way we take this calling seriously at Hickory Grove is through our Parent/Child Dedication ceremony, during which we formally recognize, in a corporate worship service, parents who have had a new child enter the family and charge them to Pass the Torch in their own home. This time is designed for parents to publicly commit before the church that they will, with God’s help, be the primary disciple-maker(s) in the life of their child. It is also designed for parents to acknowledge God’s sovereignty over their child, recognizing that “children are a heritage from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3), and that this child has been entrusted to them by God. It is imperative for the church to commit corporately to partner with these families by coming alongside them as they seek to raise their children to love Christ above all things. How can the church partner with families? While Scripture has called parents to be the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children, the local church should support these parents in a partnership.

    As a member of the body of Christ, here are some ways you can come alongside these families in partnership:

    1. Pray.
      Pray that God will help parents faithfully shepherd their children during their most formative years. Pray also for our children, that they will be protected from the evil one (John 17:15) and that they will one day put their faith in Jesus Christ.

    2. Get Involved.
      Join Hickory Grove’s efforts in Passing the Torch to the next generation by getting involved in the HG Kids or HG Students Ministries. These ministries partner with families and the opportunities for discipleship are endless, so join the team.

    Why should I dedicate my child?

    Unlike baptism and The Lord’s Supper, Scripture does not require that Christians participate in Parent/ Child Dedications. While it is not an official ordinance of the local church, Hickory Grove, along with thousands of churches around the globe, celebrates Parent/Child Dedications because:

    1. Parent/Child Dedications are Biblically Founded.
      The concept of a Parent/Child Dedication is not foreign to Scripture. In 1 Samuel 1, Hannah, upon giving birth to her son Samuel, dedicated him to the Lord, entrusting him completely to God. Furthermore, in Luke 2, Mary and Joseph presented the infant Jesus in the temple to dedicate Him to the Lord. In both instances, the parents demonstrated their recognition that their child belonged to God.

    2. Parent/Child Dedications Do Not Imply Salvation.
      The Parent/Child Dedication ceremony does not imply or assure the child’s salvation. Rather, the ceremony exists for parents to publicly commit to raising the child in the fear of the Lord, in prayerful expectation that he or she will one day put their faith in Christ. Furthermore, Hickory Grove does not baptize or christen infants because of our biblical conviction that baptism is reserved for those who have professed their faith in Christ.

    3. Parent/Child Dedications Make Much of Christ.
      The Parent/Child Dedication is designed not to make much of the parents or their new child, but to make much of Christ. By participating, parents are publicly declaring their need for Christ’s help, and the church is corporately praying that these children will one day love Christ above all things.

    Who can participate in Parent/Child Dedications?

    Members of Hickory Grove who have had a new child enter the family are invited to participate in our Parent/ Child Dedication ceremony. Generally, this ceremony involves children less than two years old. (Exceptions can be made for varying circumstances, such as adoption.) Contact the HG Kids Ministry Office with questions.

    How do I register for the next Parent/Child Dedication?

    Parent/Child Dedications typically occur twice a year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall. To register for the next Parent/Child Dedication, contact the HG Kids Ministry Office at 704-531-4000.